Framingham Earth Day Participatory Fiber Mural

In April 2022, Alzayer invited participants of the Framingham Earth Day Festival to help build a participatory fiber mural.

Visitors were invited to choose a colored piece of fabric, yarn or string that speaks to them, set their intentions, and to tie it onto the backdrop panel in a section of the panel that corresponds to the color of the piece. Shades of green were added to the landmass portions of the map, shades of blue were added to the water portions of the map, shades of red/pink were added to the hearts, and all other colors were added to the border and areas around the earth drawing.

Throughout the day, the piece slowly filled up with colored pieces of fabric, string, ribbon, and other organic compostable natural fibers, with each one representing the intentions of the one who added it. The fabric pieces added by many hands would gradually shed organic threads over time to set intentions free.

The backdrop panel is 67” wide and 54” tall. After the festival, it was presented to Atac to keep and display.

This piece was commissioned by the Framingham Earth Day Festival.